The 22q11.2 Society

Promoting research, diagnosis, prognosis, and management of 22q11.2DS & related disorders

Information Officer

Joanne Loo

Joanne Loo (PhD) is the Information Officer for the 22q11.2 Society. She organizes the website content so that members of the 22q community can easily find what they need. In 2021, she screened the medical research reports and coordinated their retrieval in preparation for the update/development of the clinical recommendations for adults, children, and the prenatal period. These days, she is coordinating the translation of these documents into other languages.

Joanne is also the Education and Communication Officer at the Dalglish Family 22q Clinic at the Toronto General Hospital in Canada. She develops content for the Clinic website and pamphlets, generates medical information cards for patients, and helps raise awareness.

In addition, Joanne is the Programmatic and Educational Tool Developer for the and the International 22q11.2 Foundation. She has been developing the Health Conditions Explained series and generates the quarterly newsletter.
Joanne visited Prof. Peter Scambler in London in June 2017.
Joanne visited Prof. Peter Scambler in London in June 2017.

As Joanne mentioned at the Whistler 2018 conference, we are looking for more:

- Translations of existing reviews and guidelines

- Research commentaries

- Graduate theses

Please send your contributions to: website_editor(at)

Thank you!


The 22q11.2 Society Registered Charity No. 1165896